Welcome to *THORR*

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The High Ontology Reading Room


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Of Our Lady SADHO, and the THORR Whereon She Rideth

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Current Episode

<aside> <img src="/icons/calendar-month_green.svg" alt="/icons/calendar-month_green.svg" width="40px" /> SEASON NINE

All episodes in our CURRENT SERIES

S09. Thelma Zeno Lavine: From Socrates to Sartre



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Current Book Vault

<aside> <img src="/icons/book_green.svg" alt="/icons/book_green.svg" width="40px" /> From Socrates to Sartre Book Vault

Books for our CURRENT SERIES

FSTS Book Vault



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Book Vaults

<aside> <img src="/icons/book_purple.svg" alt="/icons/book_purple.svg" width="40px" /> The The Great Philosophers Book Vault


TGP Book Vault 2.0


<aside> <img src="/icons/book_purple.svg" alt="/icons/book_purple.svg" width="40px" /> The Magee Book Vault

Books by Bryan Magee

Magee Book Vault 2.0


<aside> <img src="/icons/book_purple.svg" alt="/icons/book_purple.svg" width="40px" /> The BBC2 Four Book Vault

Books by all four members of the BBC2 Four

BBC2 Four Book Vault 2.0


<aside> <img src="/icons/book_purple.svg" alt="/icons/book_purple.svg" width="40px" /> The THORR Massive All-Media Vault

Gigantic repository of quotes, books, articles, …

THORR Mega Vault


<aside> <img src="/icons/book_purple.svg" alt="/icons/book_purple.svg" width="40px" /> The Wonderful World of Britannica Vault

The most astonishing organizational achievement OF ALL TIME

Knowledge Become Self-Conscious


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The Majestic BBC2 and the BBC2 Four